Dailies: Taking an hour each day to prototype and learn new techniques.
Exploring shader creation in Unreal using a collection of tutorials from Dean Ashford & Unreal CG.

Daily 18.06.01 /// 100 // Pixel Shader / #unrealengine #gamedev

Daily 18.05.30 /// 99 // Smoke / #unrealengine #gamedev

Daily 18.05.29 /// 98 // Wormhole Gun / #unrealengine #gamedev

Daily 18.05.26 /// 97 // Dissolve / #unrealengine #gamedev
Daily 18.05.24 /// 96 // Scan Soul CIty / #unrealengine #gamedev

Daily 18.05.23 /// 95 // rising floor / #unrealengine #gamedev

Daily 18.05.22 /// 94 // force field impact / #unrealengine #gamedev

Daily 18.05.21 /// 93 // disintegrate effect / #unrealengine

Another deep dive into @UnrealEngine particle editor for this daily as I built a customisable stylised black hole visualisation.
Thanks for those who joined in the live stream.
Fun stuff. Big thanks to @unrealcg for the tuts
Daily 18.05.17 /// 92 // black hole / #unrealengine

Big thanks those jumping in & lurking on my first stream of my dailies.
Sorry about the audio, work in progress.
Anyway continued on the @UnrealEngine cascade editor & designing a portal type thingy.
Came together in the end
Daily 18.05.15 /// 91 // portal / #unrealengine #ue4

For my next batch of dailies I’m jumping back into cascade, the particle editor in @UnrealEngine.
I’ve briefly touched on it but now time to step it up a gear.
Loads of basics learnt here.
Daily 18.05.04 /// 90 // magic circles / #unrealengine #cascade