VR Workshop: Control Desk
Building a VR controller desk using an Atari, PS4 and Xbox controllers as a base
VR Workshop: Atari 2600 Joystick
VR Custom Hands
Exploring the concept of allowing the user to switch between hand models using a device on their wrist.
Pencil Shader
Exploring a shader that gives the impression of hand drawn in a 3D space,
VR Visual Prototyping
Dailies: Taking my next batch of dailies to level up my VR/AR design skills and exploring visual concepts.
VFX Physics
Dailies: Taking an hour each day to prototype and learn new techniques. Messing about with character animations and Cinema 4d
C4D Motion Techniques
Dailies: Taking an hour each day to prototype and learn new techniques. Exploring some animations in Cinema 4D, inspired from
Cinema 4D Sketches
Dailies: Taking an hour each day to prototype and learn new techniques. Next batch of dailies I’m going to jump into Cin